
Friday 28 February 2014

Take a Peek at Etrenal Paintings of Amrita Shergil - NGMA

Amrita Shergil
Amrita Shergil the Passionate Quest

Are you an Amrita Shergil Art Lover? Well Art lover or not you will certainly not like to miss National Gallery of Modern Art's - Collection of Paintings of her. Amrita Shergil - one of the revered names in the world of Art.

National gallery of Moden Art houses the largest collection of Amrita Shergil Paintings. She was an eminent
Indian painter born to a Punjabi Sikh father and a Hungarian Jewish mother, a great woman painter of 20th century,

Did You Know: Amrita Shergil is the 'most expensive' woman painter of India.  (Click to Tweet)

No Wonder, NGMA is one of the many museums included in the Hop on Hop Off Sightseeing Tour!

Take a peek at her paintings, and do visit NGMA to sooth your eyes with some enchanting art by equally great artists like  Thomas Daniell, Raja Ravi Verma, Abanindranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Gaganendranath Tagore, Nandalal Bose, Jamini Roy, as well as foreign artists, apart from sculptures by various artists. 

NGMA Gallery Timings: Opens daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Closed on Mondays and National Holidays.
(Click to Tweet)

Entry Charges:
Indian: Rs: 10/-
Foreign National: Rs: 150/-
Student / Child: Rs: 1/-

Here are some of the paintings for your delight. Art Lover or not, you will surely adore them: 
Amrita shergil painting at NGMA
Amrita Sher-Gil. Bride's Toilet, Oil on canvas

Amrita Sher-Gil  Brahmacharis, Oil on canvas,

Amrita Sher-Gil  Nude, Oil on canvas,
That's just a trailer, the actual Movie (I mean NGMA) is GRAND. There is lot-lot more to see. Believe me!  

Hope by know the art lover in you has woken up to the beautiful artworks of her . "Let's visit NGMA".  
Source: NGMA
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  1. While in Delhi NGMA is a must visit. It was an awesome post .Hope you find it beneficial : agra tour from delhi

  2. 💗💗💗💗

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