
Nearest Metro-bus to Garden of five senses in Delhi?

01:48:00 Surojit Ghosh 20 Comments

Many Tourists including Delhi-ites have voiced their interest to visit Garden of Five senses in different travel forums, and especially at Hop On Hop Off Customer care. 

There are some easy straightforward ways to reach there, if you are only planning to visit the Garden  then go for a  public transport, I  usually prefer Metro over DTC Bus. On the other hand if you are a visitor to Delhi and looking to visit this beautiful garden along with other Delhi' Tourist attraction, then a Metro or a HOHO (Hop On Hop Off) Bus is a better option.

How to reach ?

By Metro: 
  • Go to Saket Metro Station (Yellow Line) 
  • From there it is another 2.7 Km . 10 mins by Auto-rickshaw.
  • Check the Map for Directions from Saket Metro. 

By DTC Bus: 
  • Get down at Saidulajab (Saket) DTC Bus Stop with 680,500,427,501, 512, 522A, 534. 
  • From there it is another 1.2 Km. 5 mins by Auto-rckshaw.
  • Check the Map for Directions 
By HOHO (Hop On Hop Off )Bus: 
  • Hop Off at Qutab Minar
  • From there it is another 3 Km. 10 mins by Auto-rckshaw.
  • Check the Map for Directions
Onboard HOHO Guide can assist you with the directions too :) 

For Open & Close Timings and What to expect, Read "Do not miss  Garden of 5 Senses"

I leave you with some fascinating evening images. Enjoy !
The garden of five senses 1
The garden of five senses 1

The garden of five senses
The garden of five senses 2

The garden of five senses
The garden of five senses 3

The garden of five senses
The garden of five senses 4
Choose your Nearest HOHO Bus Stop

Did you find the information helpful. Do you have any question to ask?  Please feel free to put across your suggestions and queries in the comment section below.

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